UI / UX Design + Branding + Illustration
We’ve all wondered what our animal companions think about, and it’s about time their voices can be heard. Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) technology, traditionally used for human aids by therapists and speech pathologists, can now be used to connect with your pet. Talk buttons, a form of AAC, are small buttons that playback a prerecorded messages that allow users to communicate their thoughts, feelings, wants, and needs. This project aims to create a website for the hypothetical company train2talk (based off of FluentPet), that informs potential and current users about the science and design behind the training program and products, sell the products, and prompt users to download and use the training app.
User Survey Insights

train2talk mobile training app
One of the key insights from the user research was that most individuals are hesitant to use talk buttons for their dog due to a lack of support. This training app not only provides a community of other talk button users, but an individualized and responsive training plan complete with a thorough training guide and weekly goals set by a trainer who reviews your progress. This app can walk with pet parents every step of the way and help them know what next steps to take.